Running an online quiz

Over the last few months there has been a considerable rise in the number of quizzes being run online via methods such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. On this page you’ll find a few tips on how to run a successful online quiz.

You may also find the page with more detailed information on being a quiz master useful.

  1. Test the platform – Whichever problem you choose, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, HouseParty, or another, make sure you try it out first with a couple of people. Get used to the interface to make sure you can address any problems quickly during the live quiz.
  2. Give lots of notice – Make sure that people have got plenty of time to join and get setup. There probably will be technical difficulties, so keep that in mind.
  3. Be prepared to help – Not everyone is at the same level of technical literacy and some people will need help sharing their screen etc.
  4. Have clear rules – Simple things like repeats of questions only at the end of a round, muted microphones etc. These should all be explained and kept too in order to avoid disruption to the quiz.
  5. Timing – Zoom has a free 40 minute limit, so you need to consider how long your quiz is. Depending on the type and difficulty of the questions you should be able to get through around 30 questions with no break within 40 minutes, but it is a bit of a push. 20 would be safer.